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Domov Komunita

By default Soccer Manager does not come with any player names or clubs names, instead you will only see numbers.
To personalise your Soccer Manager experience, you can load a Dátový balík that contains the player and club information that you want to see in your game.
You can select one of these popular Dátové Balíčky submitted by the community.

Vyberte si z nasledujúcich dátových sad

Dátový balíkHodnotenieNačítať Dáta BalíčkySpráva
MenoMondo Grand Pack
PopisMondo Grand Pack
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Popisçok iyi bir külübüz
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Menon Data Pack
Popisn Data Pack
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If this Data Pack has an offensive name or contains offensive content, click here to report it Správa
Spoločenstvo Hodnotenie:
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If this Data Pack has an offensive name or contains offensive content, click here to report it Správa

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